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Key Allied Figures

There were three key allied figures. Franklin D. Roosevelt, president of the United States, Winston Churchill, prime minister of England, and Joseph Stalin, dictator of the Soviet Union.


Franklin Roosevelt was the only president in the United States to have served three terms in office. He favored going to war in Europe but many politicans saw it as Europes problem and the United Stated should have nothing to do with it. So instead of being directly involved in the war, Roosevelt sent lots of military aid to countries fighting the Axis powers. He felt that if they were not stopped soon enough they would eventually cross the Atlantic and try to invade the U.S.


Winston Churchill became the British prime minister in 1940, a year after the war started. Many British were upset with the previous prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, for his appeasement policy towards Hitler and the Nazis. Churchill thought this policy was shameful and knew that if they didn't stop Hitler early, he would keep expanding. He was a good speaker who used his talent to fire up and unite the British. Many British liked him because of views towards the Nazis and his "never back down" attitude.


Joesph Stalin came to power in 1924 after the death of the Soviet Communist leader, Vladmir Lenin. After coming top power he transformed his country in to a model communist state.Facist goverments started forming in Europe and these new goverments were very anti-communist. These countries such as Germany and Italy became threats to Stalin's communist state. Despite his anti-communist views, Hitler signed a non-aggresion pact with Stalin in 1939. But 2 years later in June 1941, Hitler broke this pact by invading the Soviet Union.This extremely angered Stalin and brought the Soviets into World War 2.