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The Holocaust

On April 7, 1933, Hitler ordered all non-Aryans to be removed from goverment jobs. This was one of the first racial acts that led to the Holocaust. Jews were a main target of the Nazi's brutality although the were not the only ones. Hitler placed most of Germans economic problems and their defeat in WW1 on the Jews. In 1935 the Nuremberg Laws were put in to place. These laws stripped Jews of their German citizenship, jobs and property and required them to wear a yellow star of David. During the Germans extreme brutality towards the Jews many of them fled Germany. Many were finding trouble were to go to becuase most nations were no longing accepting refugees because they already had large amounts. France had around 40,000, Great Britian had around 80,000, and Palestine had around 30,000. Around 100,000 made to the U.S.


Since immigration was not riding Hitler of Jews and since most of the counrties the Nazi's occupied had millions more, Hilter came up with the "Final Solution," a plan to get rid of the Jews, and other groups found unfit for to be part of the Aryan race, from the Third Reich by means of genocide. He also relocated them to ghettos, segregated Jewish areas in certain Polish cities. Jews not killed by Hilter's death squads were sent to concentration camps.


In early 1942, the Final Solution had reached its final stage. Nazi leaders had agreed to new means of riding the Third Reich of Jews. They would now send Jews and undiserables to death camps to speed up the extermination process. They would use poison gas to kill their victims. An estimated 6 million Jews had died as a result of the Holocaust.