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Dictators Threaten World Peace

In early 1942, the Final Solution had reached its final stage. Nazi leaders had agreed to new means of riding the Third Reich of Jews. They would now send Jews and undiserables to death camps to speed up the extermination process. They would use poison gas to kill their victims. An estimated 6 million Jews had died as a result of the Holocaust. Economic crisis and and a rise in nationalism, complete loyalty to ones country, helped dictators, like Adolf Hitler, to come to power in Europe. The Treaty of Versailles did not help since it wasn'treally about creating peace but more about Germany paying back the countries it had affected during the first world war. This angered many Germans.

Newly formed democratic goverments in Europe were also collapsing since they were not use to this form of goverment and turned to dictators to solve their social and economic troubles. One of the first countries to lose their democratic goverment was Italy. Benito Mussolini and his new facist goverment came to power in 1922. Mussolini and his party were extreme nationalist an wanted Italy to be a world power once again.

The democratic goverment that was put in place after the fall of their monarchy in Russia had fallen and was now ran by the communist party and its strict and powerful leader, Joesph Stalin, who gained total control of the country after the death of the founder of the Communist Regime, Vladamire Lennon.

Another country that would eventually lose its democratic goverment was Germany. Major economic troubles had cause the people to not trust the Wilmar Republic, German Deomcratic goverment. This allowed for a new radical political party to come to power, the Nazi Party. This party along with its leader, Adolf Hitler, were extreme nationalists who believed that the German people were a master race and that all non-whites were only good for serving this master race.